Saturday, April 25, 2009


Though little, your finger raised against in accusation, turns one's womb into a tomb. Mercilessly doing more mischief, your little finger makes the deadliest war weapons pale into insignificance. Though your mind is the launching pad, it facilitates your 'miniature missile' soar into greater heights with your message of constructive destruction. Such a mindless misadventure debilitates the mind and dilapidates the hopes of the hapless recipient of the 'most unkindest cut of all'. Situated as he is, he is confronted with the question 'what this day has in store' for him?. As he turns out of the bed, such a crucial question looms large before his mind's eye. While each morning shows the day as 'childhood shows the man', how is it that the turn of events prove themselves to be unpredictably elusive, he bemourns. We start the day, hoping against hope that we will be able to win rewards justifiably through struggle,but days wear out when we invariably accept caprices with resignation. Suspense-filled incidents, like mirages, make our struggle meaningless.
Is it a truism that 'all happiness that man can gain is not in pleasure, but in relief from pain'? Whether such a relief from pain one will get when he falls into deep slumber never again to come back to face the haunting question?